
Cisco Live is here! It’s a great opportunity for you to discover some really exciting technology solutions at our Cisco ONE: Cisco Intelligent Programmable Network booth featuring a few of our latest innovations.

Onsite you will be able to see and ask your questions at live demos featuring applications and services developed with One Programmable Kit (onePK), Openflow and the eXtensible Network Controller. In addition, we have demos devoted to IPv6, routing, service discovery and network design simulation – all things meant to make your network simpler and smarter.

There are also some great partner demos including our friends from SAP, Citrix, Glue Networks, Pramacom, Radware, and Starview who are showing some really cool apps that use the Cisco ONE APIs.

On the blogging front this week, you’ll be hearing from some of our usual suspect bloggers: Frank Brockners, Nathan Sowatskey, Donnie Savage, and Saul Adler. The guys will dive into topics such as programmability and SDN, controllers, developer tools, the new EIGRP feature called Over-the-Top (OTP) and VIRL (Virtual Internet Routing Laboratory). What exactly is VIRL you ask? Check back on Tuesday to find out!

This week we also welcome two new bloggers: Kevin Woods and Ralph Schmieder. Kevin will provide insight into the business innovation side of Cisco ONE. Ralph will write about a solution that integrates devices providing/consuming services on wired and wireless networks – and across subnets. If we’re lucky, he may post a video.

There’s a lot happening next week and if you are attending Cisco Live, come find us in the Campus (aka booth 758). In addition, don’t forget to check out the NOC (Network Operations Center) to learn about our dual-stacked Cisco Live network. Find a list of our panels, technical sessions, breakouts, labs, and more on Slideshare.

Not in Orlando? In addition to reading and commenting on our posts throughout the week, check out Cisco Live and Cisco Live 365 for access to session recordings and updates. You can also follow us on Twitter @GetYourBuildOn.