Using Advanced Technology to Build a 21st Century University Experience
As Florida Polytechnic University’s Chief Information Officer, my job is to ensure the University uses modern and emerging technologies to offer our students experiential learning opportunities. The higher education industry is undergoing a paradigm shift in which technology for teaching and learnin…
New University Dedicated to STEM, Real-world Relevance
The success of our industry and even our nation’s well-being are dependent on engaging students and developing the experts of the future in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). I am personally committed to STEM education initiatives, and want to share an exciting uni…
New World of Education Driven by Internet of Everything
In his blog post yesterday, Wim Elfrink shared the recent news that the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina and the State University of New York (SUNY) will join The Global STEM Alliance. Since I had someone ask me this week – “what exactly IS the Global STEM Alliance?”, here are the b…
MIND Research Institute: Removing Barriers to Learning
How exciting it is when we see student gains in math that are consistent regardless of language, culture of origin, gender, and even learning disability! As Peter Tavernise wrote this week in his blog post, it is even more exciting when we are able to support the learning models that have created su…
Cisco Collaborates with Partners to Provide IT Skills and Career Opportunities to Veterans in Michigan
Each year, thousands of U.S. veterans return from the battlefield with exceptional leadership, technical and other skills they have acquired overseas. Even so, many experience difficulty finding a job, and return feeling overwhelmed by the high unemployment rate they are up against. Today, in a prog…
STEM Education Must be a Hands-on Approach
Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields are critical to innovation and the continued development of the U.S. economy. However, trends are showing that while there are and will continue to be plenty of jobs in these fields, many students are unprepared or lack the desire necessary for…
Honoring Those Who Serve on Veterans Day
“On the 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour in 1918, a cessation of hostilities was honored and WWI came to its unofficial end. Veterans Day (then known as Armistice Day) began as a commemoration to acknowledge the heroism of those who died and to show gratitude for the WW1 victory. Ov…
The Internet of Things opens up new energy management opportunities
There was a point in time when classrooms had one, maybe two things to plug in – most likely an overhead projector. When teachers were done teaching for the day, it was powered down to make sure electricity was not wasted. Over the years, the number of devices needed per individual has exploded as t…
How Can we Keep Skills In Step with the Internet of Things?
The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming a major accelerator for innovation of all industries and government. The idea of an increasingly digital world where mobility of applications and people are commonplace, where all types of things are connected and provide more intelligence and value is becomi…
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