
Analysts agree that academic institutions worldwide face more complex challenges than ever before and are under tremendous pressure to cut costs. At the same time, they also need to provide greater access to education, increased security, and improved outcomes and services, among others.

Through solutions enabled by the Internet of Everything (IoE), these academic institutions can successfully address their challenges, transforming schools and universities into connected campuses and taking them to the next level of an improved and digitized learning experience.

IoE in Education

Join us in San Diego at Cisco Live from June 7-11 to learn more about how IoE impacts education. Cisco will discuss trends and what IoE means for education, share best practices for strategic implementation of solutions that can accelerate a digital transformation, and feature a variety of Cisco customer case studies to demonstrate key outcomes achieved and deployment approaches.

Cisco Live San DiegoI’ll be joined by leaders at the University of La Verne, and Cisco’s Mary Schlegelmilch to discuss how IoE is transforming learning and improving outcomes in our Transforming to a Digital University, School, or Campus to Improve Learning Outcomes with IoE session.

Stop by our Education Booth (1733e) to experience our Cisco Connected Learning demos in action, and follow me, @patton_renee, and @CiscoEdu for updates from Cisco Live (#CLUS).