
July 2, 2018


Developer Community Role Models

Be Like Silvia … and Dmitry … and Jason … and Scott! I’ve been in the technology business since the early 1980s. In all of that time, there has always been a common thought that said, “on the job training is an important activity for your career”. For example, my own career was dramatically ai…

June 28, 2018


virl up – NetDevOps Network Simulation Done Right

Are you ready to have your mind blown by something so cool you’ll wonder how you lived without it before?  Of course you are… so without further a-do let me introduce you to virlutils, the NetDevOps command line tool for Cisco VIRL and Cisco CML. If you are not familiar with VIRL or CML,…

June 20, 2018


Using CI/CD/CD for Software Lifecycle Automation – DevOps Series, Part 8

If you have been following my DevOps blog series, you know how developers work in their local environment, and how operations teams manage application deployments on public Cloud and on-premises environments. As we’ve discussed, there are many different scenarios where each of the options migh…

June 9, 2018


DevNet Zone at Cisco Live 2018

Can’t make it to Cisco Live US? Visit our DevNet Zone page and take a look at some of the photos below.…

June 5, 2018


Learn How To Build Applications for Webex Devices

Embedded APIs Let You Extend and Leverage Webex Devices Webex Devices help teams communicate and create together in real time. The Collaboration devices can be placed in meeting rooms or at desks as described on Project Workplace. Yet, high quality audio and video for successful meetings are not the…

June 4, 2018


Try Using Webex Teams APIs with AppDynamics to Create a Triage Webex Teams Space

Try this AppDynamics/Webex Teams Mashup What is great about Cisco Webex Teams is that I can start working on the desktop client and pick up where I left off when I go mobile via my iOS or Android client. Since both the desktop and mobile clients support notifications, I never have to worry about re…

May 31, 2018


Learn How To Leverage Meraki APIs in the DevNet Zone at Cisco Live

Cisco Meraki is cloud-managed IT. With over 230,000+ customers and 3 million+ network devices around the world, you can create apps that enable loyalty programs, track the location of WiFi and BLE devices, build analytics extensions, and make it easier to deploy at scale. You asked for insight into…

May 30, 2018


Fast and Furious (and Easy) Kubernetes Deployments – DevOps Series, Part 7

Find previous blogs in Julio’s DevOps series. Moving forward in our DevOps series, I would like to explore with you some specific tools and processes that help with automation for your software. If you are involved in the lifecycle of an application I am pretty sure you will be interested in a…

May 30, 2018


The DevNet Zone at Cisco Live Is the Place to Learn and Connect

How time does fly… It’s hard to believe but Cisco Live US, being held in Orlando, Florida, is only a couple weeks away. The DevNet team has been hard at work getting ready, putting together a robust slate of hands-on workshops and learning labs, interactive demos, and technical sessions. All designe…