
Talos Group

Talos Security Intelligence & Research Group

The Talos Security Intelligence and Research Group (Talos) is made up of leading threat researchers supported by sophisticated systems to create threat intelligence for Cisco products that detects, analyzes and protects against both known and emerging threats. Talos maintains the official rule sets of Snort.org, ClamAV, SenderBase.org and SpamCop. This blog profile is managed by multiple authors with expertise that spans software development, reverse engineering, vulnerability triage, malware investigation and intelligence gathering.

Talos is the primary team that contributes threat information to the Cisco Collective Security Intelligence (CSI) ecosystem. Cisco CSI is shared across multiple security solutions and provides industry-leading security protections and efficacy. In addition to threat researchers, CSI is driven by intelligence infrastructure, product and service telemetry, public and private feeds and the open source community.


October 13, 2015


Microsoft Patch Tuesday – October 2015

Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday has arrived. Today, Microsoft has released their monthly set of security bulletins designed to address security vulnerabilities within their products. This month’s release is fairly light with a total of 6 bulletins released addressing 33 vulnerabilities. Half of the…

October 6, 2015


Threat Spotlight: Cisco Talos Thwarts Access to Massive International Exploit Kit Generating $60M Annually From Ransomwa …

This post was authored by Nick Biasini with contributions from Joel Esler, Nick Hebert, Warren Mercer, Matt Olney, Melissa Taylor, and Craig Williams. Executive Summary Today, Cisco struck a blow to a group of hackers, disrupting a significant international revenue stream generated by the notorious…

October 2, 2015


Vulnerability Spotlight: MiniUPnP Internet Gateway Device Protocol XML Parser Buffer Overflow

Vulnerability discovered by Aleksandar Nikolic of Cisco Talos. Post authored by Earl Carter and William Largent Talos is disclosing the discovery of an exploitable buffer overflow vulnerability in the the MiniUPnP library TALOS-2015-0035 (CVE-2015-6031). The buffer overflow is present in client-sid…

September 30, 2015


Down the Rabbit Hole: Botnet Analysis for Non-Reverse Engineers

This post is authored by Earl Carter & Holger Unterbrink. Overview Talos is often tasked with mapping the backend network for a specific piece of malware. One approach is to first reverse engineer the sample and determine exactly how it operates. But what if there is no time or resources to take…

September 23, 2015


SYNful Knock Scanner

This post was authored by William McVey. Update 9/23: We updated the tool to version 1.0.1 Talos is constantly researching the ways in which threat actors are evolving to exploit systems. Recently, a piece of persistent malware coined as “SYNful Knock” was discovered on Cisco routers. While this mal…

September 15, 2015


When Does Software Start Becoming Malware?

This post was authored by Earl Carter, Alex Chiu, Joel Esler, Geoff Serrao, and Brandon Stultz. Defining what is malware relies on determining when undesirable behavior crosses the line from benign to clearly unwanted. The lack of a single standard regarding what is and what is not acceptable behavi…

September 8, 2015


Vulnerability Spotlight: Microsoft Windows CDD Font Parsing Kernel Memory Corruption

Discovered by Andrea Allievi and Piotr Bania of Cisco Talos.   Talos, in conjunction with Microsoft’s security advisory issued on September 8th, is disclosing the discovery of a memory corruption vulnerability within the Microsoft Windows CDD Font Parsing Kernel Driver. This vulnerability was i…

September 8, 2015


Microsoft Patch Tuesday – September 2015

Today, Microsoft has released their monthly set of security bulletins designed to address security vulnerabilities within their products. This month’s release sees a total of 12 bulletins released which address 55 CVEs. Five bulletins are rated “Critical” this month and address vulnerabi…

September 3, 2015


Cognitive Research: Learning Detectors of Malicious Network Traffic

This post was authored by Karel Bartos, Vojtech Franc, & Michal Sofka. Malware is constantly evolving and changing. One way to identify malware is by analyzing the communication that the malware performs on the network. Using machine learning, these traffic patterns can be utilized to identify m…