exploit kit

May 18, 2017


Terror Evolved: Exploit Kit Matures

Talos is monitoring the major Exploit Kits(EK) on an ongoing basis. While investigating the changes we recently observed in the RIG EK campaigns, we identified another well known candidate: Terror Exploit Kit. Terror EK is one of the new players who showed up after the big Exploit Kit market consoli…

November 3, 2016


Take the RIG Pill: Down the Rabbit Hole

Executive Summary Talos is monitoring the big notorious Exploit Kits(EK) on an ongoing basis. Since Angler disappeared a few month ago, RIG is one EK which seems to be trying to fill the gap Angler has left. We see an ongoing development on RIG. This report gives more details about the complex infec…

August 17, 2016


CryptXXX Technical Deep Dive

0.0 Introduction: In our previous post we discussed the AMP ThreatGrid Research and Efficacy Team’s continuous support for Ransomware attack vectors, generic behavior detection of un-discovered variants, and the creation of behavioral indicators once new variants are identified. In this post we̵…

August 3, 2016


Cybersecurity in Education: Threats Impacting K-12 and Higher Education

As schools, colleges, and universities become more connected, it opens up a world of possibilities for students. The IT market suggests today we have around 15 billion devices utilizing an IP address, and that number is expected to grow to approximately 500 billion devices by 2030. Everything from t…

March 21, 2016


Malware Word Search: Identifying Angler’s Dictionary

This post authored by Steve Poulson with contributions from Nick Biasini. Exploit kits are constantly evolving and changing. We recently wrote about some subtle Angler changes but then Angler changed drastically on March 8. In this blog post, we will briefly cover these changes, examining different…

March 1, 2016


Angler Attempts to Slip the Hook

This post was authored by Nick Biasini with contributions from Joel Esler and Melissa Taylor Talos has discussed at length the sophistication of the Angler exploit kit. One thing that always makes Angler stand apart is the speed with which they develop and implement new techniques. Whether its doma…

October 15, 2015


Angler for Beginners in 34 Seconds

Post authored by Martin Rehak, Veronica Valeros, Martin Grill and Ivan Nikolaev. In order to complement the comprehensive information about the Angler exploit kit from our Talos colleagues [Talos Intel: Angler Exposed], let’s have a very brief look at what an Angler and CryptoWall infection lo…

October 6, 2015


Threat Spotlight: Cisco Talos Thwarts Access to Massive International Exploit Kit Generating $60M Annually From Ransomwa …

This post was authored by Nick Biasini with contributions from Joel Esler, Nick Hebert, Warren Mercer, Matt Olney, Melissa Taylor, and Craig Williams. Executive Summary Today, Cisco struck a blow to a group of hackers, disrupting a significant international revenue stream generated by the notorious…

June 5, 2015


Angler EK: More Obfuscation, Fake Extensions, and Other Nonsense

This post was authored by Nick Biasini Late last week Talos researchers noticed a drastic uptick in Angler Exploit Kit activity. We have covered Angler previously, such as the discussion of domain shadowing. This exploit kit evolves on an almost constant basis. However, the recent activity caught ou…