
Sarah Khokhar

Project Manager

Cisco IT Communications

Sarah is a writer and podcast producer for the Cisco IT Communications team. She helps share Cisco IT experiences with customers through articles, blogs, videos, and podcasts. She also manages the content published around the Collaboration space within IT. Based in the UK, this homegrown Canadian loves to swim, tinker with chisels and wood, and write stories with her little ones.


January 30, 2020


Until We Meet Again #CLEUR – Day 3 Closing Recap

As the IT Management Program closes its doors to Barcelona and prepares for Amsterdam, the IT Roaming Reporters finish off the last drops of coffee in our mugs. We take stock of all we’ve achieved in the past six days: we published four videos from 180GB worth of film, conducted more than 30 intervi…

January 24, 2020


Cameras live in Catalonia

IT Roaming Reporters Attend Cisco Live in Barcelona While everyone works tirelessly to build the perfect Cisco Live event, our team, the IT Roaming Reporters, is tasked with a very special opportunity — capture Cisco Live in Barcelona. This great event will be moving next year so we’re making memori…