
Randy Ivener

Incident Manager, Applied Intelligence Team

Security Intelligence Operations

Randy Ivener, CCIE No. 10722, is a Senior Security Engineer with Cisco's Security Research and Operations Group. He is a CISSP and PMI PMP. Randy has spent many years as a network security specialist helping companies secure their networks. Randy has presented security topics at industry events such as Blackhat and Cisco Networkers. Before becoming immersed in information security, he spent time in software development and as a training instructor. Randy graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy and holds an MBA.


April 16, 2014


Cisco Live 2014 San Francisco: Security Technology Track

Cisco Live, May 18-24, 2014, is quickly approaching and registration is open. This is the 25th anniversary of Cisco Live and we return to the Bay Area at San Francisco’s Moscone Center. Educational sessions are organized into technology tracks to make it easy to find the topics that most inter…

November 26, 2013


Cisco Presenting at BayThreat 2013 in Mountain View, CA

BayThreat 2013, the fourth annual information security conference in the San Francisco South Bay, will be held December 6th & 7th. Many South Bay security professionals attend this technical conference. Cisco is a proud sponsor and my colleague, Joe Karpenko, and I will be presenting Beware of N…

August 22, 2013


Cisco Network Threat Defense Training at SecTor 2013

UPDATE:  Due to low registration numbers for our training, Cisco Network Threat Defense, at SecTor 2013 we unfortunately had to cancel our course.  For those who registered, we appreciate your support and look forward to meeting and delivering the training to you at another venue in the near future.…

May 15, 2013


Network Threat Defense at Black Hat 2013

Join us at Black Hat 2013 in Las Vegas this July, for our two-day hands-on Network Threat Defense, Countermeasures, and Controls course. Courses will be offered on July 27-28 and July 29-30, and attendees will learn and perform two network security roles. First, as a Security Practitioner, you’…

February 1, 2013


Cisco Security Masters Dojo Course at CanSecWest 2013

My colleague, Joe Karpenko, and I will be presenting the Network Threat Defense, Countermeasures, and Controls Security Masters Dojo training course at the CanSecWest 2013 Applied Security Conference. Attendees will perform two roles. First, as a Security Practitioner who will secure and harden devi…

December 4, 2012


Cisco Presenting at BayThreat 2012 in Sunnyvale, CA

BayThreat 2012, the third annual information security conference in the South Bay of San Francisco, will be held December 7–8 at The Firehouse Brewery in downtown Sunnyvale, Calif. This technical conference is well attended by security professionals from the top technology companies in the South Bay…