5th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE 2014)
The International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE) is a leading forum focusing on the integration of theory and experience in various disciplines of performance engineering. The conference has been bringing together experts from industry, academia and research to share and discuss ideas,…
1st IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2013
Big Data is one of the most talked about topics of today across industry, government and research. It is becoming the center of Investments, Innovations and Improvizations (3I’s), and no exaggeration to say that Big Data is Transforming the World. Considering it’s potential the IEEE Com…
TeraSort Results on Cisco UCS and Announcing Cisco Big Data Design Zone
While there is not yet an industry standard benchmark for measuring the performance of Hadoop systems (yes, there is work in progress – WBDB, BigDataTop100 etc), workloads like TeraSort have become a popular choice to benchmark and stress test Hadoop clusters. TeraSort is very simple, consists…
Cisco Validated Design for Cisco UCS CPA for Big Data with Cloudera
Cisco UCS Common Platform Architecture (CPA) for Big Data offers a comprehensive stack for enterprise Hadoop deployments. Today we announce the availability of Cisco Validated Design (CVD) for Cloudera (CDH) that describes the architecture and deployment procedures, jointly tested and certified by C…
Announcing Flexpod Select with Hadoop
Speed is everything. Continuing our commitment to make data center infrastructures more responsive to enterprise applications demands, today, we announced FlexPod Select with Hadoop, formerly known as NetApp Open Solution for Hadoop, broadening our FlexPod portfolio. Developed in collaboration betw…
Announcing 5th International Conference on Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking
The Transaction Processing Performance Council today announced its fifth international Conference on Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking (TPCTC 2013). I’ve the great privilege of chairing TPCTC series since 2009. This year’s conference will be collocated with the 39th International Confer…
Cisco Platform for NetApp Open Solution for Hadoop
Cisco and NetApp have been partners for over a decade, and in January we announced the planned expansion of our partnership. We are always looking to work with our partners in new ways to offer customers greater choice, and Cisco and NetApp are working toward delivering a complete platform for enter…
Building on Success: Cisco and Intel Expand Partnership to Big Data
This has been an exciting week. Further expanding its Big Data portfolio, Cisco has announced collaboration with Intel, its long term partner, for the next generation of open platform for data management and analytics. The joint solution combines Intel® Distribution for Apache Hadoop Software with C…
Cisco to support EMC Pivotal HD on UCS
Our Common Platform Architecture (CPA) for Big Data has been gaining momentum as a viable platform for enterprise big data deployments. The newest addition to the portfolio is EMC’s new Pivotal HD™ that natively integrates Greenplum MPP database technology with Apache Hadoop enabling SQL appli…