Big Data Benchmarks
Introducing TPCx-HS – first Industry Standard for Benchmarking Big Data Systems
Over the past quarter century, industry standard benchmarks have had a significant impact on the computing industry. Vendors use benchmark standards to illustrate performance competitiveness for their existing products, and to improve and monitor the performance of their products under development.…
TeraSort Results on Cisco UCS and Announcing Cisco Big Data Design Zone
While there is not yet an industry standard benchmark for measuring the performance of Hadoop systems (yes, there is work in progress – WBDB, BigDataTop100 etc), workloads like TeraSort have become a popular choice to benchmark and stress test Hadoop clusters. TeraSort is very simple, consists…
Announcing 5th International Conference on Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking
The Transaction Processing Performance Council today announced its fifth international Conference on Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking (TPCTC 2013). I’ve the great privilege of chairing TPCTC series since 2009. This year’s conference will be collocated with the 39th International Confer…