
Pascal Lendermann

Head of Digital Transformation & Analytics

EMEAR Marketing

Pascal Lendermann is Head of Digital Transformation and Analytics for Cisco in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Russia. He is passionate about how digital transformation can improve the customer experience and relationships.

He is constantly looking for new innovative solutions to increase the Return-On-Investment as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of Marketing programs and activities - eg using Big Data analytics.

He is in his 17th year as Marketing Pro and worked earlier for companies like UUNET & Novell in all kind of Marketing Communications functions.


July 20, 2015


Why Are We Reinventing Our Marketing Function?

Reena Tiwari   Our customers’ expectations and buying behaviors are changing, and more brands compete for their attention. We either need to reinvent our approach to marketing or risk losing business to our competitors. The big change in buying behavior is that most of us now research a product…