
Kon Georgopoulos

Intercloud Architecture Lead

Kon has over 20 years of experience in IT and the service provider space. For the past 3 years been with Cisco Systems, leading the execution of their Global Intercloud across APJC and their future direction.


May 27, 2015


Cisco Intercloud Services and Why the Network Matters

Cisco Intercloud Services and Why the Network Matters I’d like to open by restating a position on Cloud: Cloud is only in its very infancy in terms of adoption. Despite all the hype in market, largely created by the marketing of the over-the-top service providers, most of global IT spending is in th…

May 18, 2015


What’s the Deal With the Intercloud?

What’s the Deal With the Intercloud? In late 2014, Cisco announced the Intercloud, a construct providing ubiquitous access to applications across network and cloud services endpoints. So what’s the fuss and what’s in it for Cisco partners and customers?…