
Jeff Squyres

The MPI Guy

UCS Platform Software

Dr. Jeff Squyres is Cisco's representative to the MPI Forum standards body and is Cisco's core software developer in the open source Open MPI project. He has worked in the High Performance Computing (HPC) field since his early graduate-student days in the mid-1990's, and is a chapter author of the MPI-2 and MPI-3 standards.

Jeff received both a BS in Computer Engineering and a BA in English Literature from the University of Notre Dame in 1994; he received a MS in Computer Science and Engineering from Notre Dame two years later in 1996. After some active duty tours in the military, Jeff received his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from Notre Dame in 2004. Jeff then worked as a Post-Doctoral research associate at Indiana University, until he joined Cisco in 2006.

In Cisco, Jeff is part of the VIC group (Virtual Interface Card, Cisco's virtualized server NIC) in the larger UCS server group. He works in designing and writing systems-level software for optimized network IO in HPC and other high-performance types of applications. Jeff also represents Cisco to several open source software communities and the MPI Forum standards body.


The History and Development of the MPI standard

Today’s guest posting comes from Jesper Larsson Träff; he’s Faculty of Informatics, Institute of Information Systems in the Research Group for Parallel Computing at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien). Have you ever wondered why MPI is designed the way that it is?  The slides…

MPI Quiz

A fun scenario was proposed in the MPI Forum today.  What do you think this code will do? MPI_Comm comm, save; MPI_Request req; MPI_Init(NULL, NULL); MPI_Comm_dup(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm); MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); save = comm; MPI_Isend(smsg, 4194304, MPI_CHAR, rank, 123, comm, &req); M…

May 27, 2013


Cisco’s Philosophy on Open Source

Last weekend, I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the Midwest Open Source Software Conference (MOSSCon 2013).  I met some fascinating people, listened to some great talks, and learned a bunch of new things. All in all, a win. I also presented a talk on two things: The general open source ph…

Speaking about Open MPI / FOSS at Midwest Open Source Convention this weekend

I’ve been a bit remiss about posting recently; it’s conference-paper-writing season, folks — sorry. But I thought I’d mention that I’ll be speaking at the Midwest Open Source Software Convention (MOSSCon) this weekend. I’ll be talking about my work in Open MPI, Ha…

New Addition to the Cisco MPI Team

I’m very pleased to welcome a new member to the Cisco USNIC/MPI Team: Dave Goodell.  Welcome, Dave!  (today was his first day) Dave joins us from the MPICH team at Mathematics and Computer Science division at Argonne National Laboratory.…

April 10, 2013


Presenting Open MPI, USNIC, and Cisco open source at MOSSCon’13

I was just recently informed that my talk was accepted at the Midwest Open Source Software Conference (MOSSCon).  w00t! MOSSCon will be held at the University of Louisville, in Louisville, Kentucky, USA, on May 18-19, 2013.  It’s being organized by people from the Kentucky Open Source Society…

Latency Analogies (part 2)

In a prior blog post, I talked about latency analogies.  I compared levels of latencies to your home, your neighborhood, a far-away neighborhood, and another city.  I talked about these localities in terms of communication. Let’s extend that analogy to talk about data locality.…


The Cisco and Microsoft joint Cross-Animal Technology Project, a well-established player in the field of multi-species collaborative initiatives, is pleased to introduce its next project: a revolution in High Performance Computing (HPC): LOLCODE language bindings for the Message Passing Interface (M…

Latency Analogies

Multiple readers have told me that it is difficult for them to understand and/or visualize the effects of latency on their HPC applications, particularly in modern NUMA (non-uniform memory access) and NUNA (non-uniform network access) environments. Let’s breaks down the different levels of lat…