#InnovateThink Tweet Chat on Friday, July 11 at 10 a.m. PST: Exploring the Next Phase in Cloud
The World of Many Clouds™ is evolving. With greater access to cloud-based services and applications and the wherewithal to adopt them, CIOs are facing increased IT purchases coming from outside their department. In order for IT leaders to maintain relevance and control they must act as cloud brokers…
Unleash the Promise of Cloud: A Strategic Perspective – The Landscape
If you are reading this blog hoping to get a universal recipe for your cloud strategy, I believe you will be disappointed. But then, you already know…. there are no ‘universal’ cloud strategies. You have to formulate a cloud strategy that best fits your business objectives and IT priorities (among a…
Cisco’s Cloud Portfolio – A Quick Overview
Yesterday at Cisco Live! Milan we announced Cisco’s expanded, industry-leading cloud portfolio to pave the way for interoperable and highly secure public, private and hybrid clouds. If you want to learn more about the recent additions to our Cloud portfolio, Fabio Gori’s blog will provide you…
And now, finally, you can afford to let your VDI administrator go on vacation ….
I know I know.. You are already familiar with the fundamentals of Desktop Virtualization. So we are not going to talk about that. However, if you do not know much about Cisco’s capabilities in the space and you have three minutes and twenty seconds of your busy day to spare, you can watch th…