
Efrat Noy

Product Manager

Efrat Noy is an artist at heart with a career in tech. At the intersection of technology, business and art, Efrat Noy, a Sr. Product Manager at Cisco, is committed to ensuring business success while delighting customers with an excellent experience. She started her career as a software engineer and has served as a Product Manager for over 12 years in various companies, industries, technologies and market segments.

Efrat holds a B.Sc. in Computer Science and an MBA from Tel Aviv University, and is a thought leader for Cisco in the areas of cloud based services and hosted applications.

Efrat is passionate about creating diversity in the workforce and advocates for people with disabilities in all walks of life. She is actively involved within Cisco in creating a safe working environment to people with Autism, and mentors high school students in less fortunate circumstances.


There’s Never Been a Better Time to Mentor in STEM

A wise man once told me, “There’s no better title than ‘Dad’.” We were talking about career achievements and family, and how to balance the two. I have to hand it to him — he definitely put things into perspective for me. That title carries a lot of responsibility, not only in prov…

May 23, 2016


Scan. Analyze. Secure!

Let me begin with some nostalgia. Allow me to transport you back to the 1990s… when fashion got rid of shoulder pads, a new rock sound was coming out of Seattle, South Park and The Simpsons brought crude humor to the masses, and the Internet became more available. Access became faster and cheaper, a…

June 4, 2015


Scan. Analyze. Improve! Introducing Switching and Wireless Best Practices on Cisco Active Advisor

In a recent post, we discussed Dimension Data’s 6th Network Barometer Report and its recommendations. Detailed in this exhaustive report, Dimension Data has found that 32% – about 1/3 – of all Service incidents are related to Human Error*. (* 6% Configuration Errors and 26% Other human e…

April 5, 2015


Cisco Active Advisor – Network Maintenance and Improvement Made Easy

Who doesn’t enjoy a vacation? And not just one day, but – four! What if there were a cloud service that saved you so much time, you could actually send all of London’s working population on a 4-day vacation? Well, that’s exactly what Cisco Active Advisor does – save you time and money so you can do…