
Bob Eve

No Longer with Cisco

Recently Bob has been leading Cisco’s efforts in the Data Virtualization market and expanding Data Virtualization’s Customer Advisory Community programs.

Bob was the EVP of Marketing at Composite Software for seven years, prior to its acquisition by Cisco in 2013. There, Bob established data virtualization as a category and Composite as the market leader by co-authoring the first book on data virtualization, Data Virtualization: Going Beyond Traditional Data Integration to Achieve Business Agility

Bob’s has driven multiple market transitions including creation of the Data Virtualization and IT Governance categories and was a key contributor to the rise of ERP. In Bob’s long career in enterprise software, he has held executive level engineering, marketing and business development roles at Oracle, PeopleSoft, Mercury Interactive and Informatica.

Bob holds a MS degree in Management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a BS degree in Business Administration from the University of California at Berkeley.


October 9, 2014


Big Data, Cloud and IoE Explored at Data Virtualization Day 2014

With nearly 500 attendees joining together at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City, the fifth annual Data Virtualization Day on October 1st, 2014 was the largest ever, 50% bigger than 2013’s record setting event.  From kickoff to closing reception, the vanguard of data virtualization gathered to exp…

October 1, 2014


Introducing Cisco Information Server 7.0: Easy Access for Business Users, Larger Deployments, More Data

Today, at Data Virtualization Day 2014 in New York City, we proudly announced Cisco Information Server 7.0 (CIS 7.0). The latest version of our flagship data virtualization offering, CIS 7.0 extends data virtualization to new audiences, enables larger, more-complex deployments and integrates more da…

September 26, 2014


Data Driven Decision Making at Pfizer – A Case Study in Data Virtualization

Finding a molecule with the potential to become a new drug is complicated. It’s time-consuming. Fewer than 10 percent of molecules or compounds discovered are promising enough to enter the development pipeline. And fewer of those ever come to market.  At Pfizer, if it were not for data virtualizatio…

September 10, 2014


Data Vault and Data Virtualization: Double Agility

Rick van der Lans is data virtualization’s leading independent analyst.  So when he writes a new white paper, any enterprise that is struggling to connect all their data (which is pretty much every enterprise), would be wise to check it out. Rick’s latest is Data Vault and Data Virtualization: Doubl…

August 21, 2014


Innovation Distinguishes Between a Leader and a Follower

Steve Jobs is arguably the most amazing innovator of our times.  I recently read some of his thoughts on innovation. His statement “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower,” caused me to reflect upon my eight-year association with data virtualization, and consider who in the IT anal…

August 8, 2014


Rocky Mountains High On Data Virtualization

I recently returned from my seventh annual Boulder BI Brain Trust presentation. The BBBT as everyone likes to call it, is unique in the business intelligence, data and analytics industry. Since 2006, the BBBT has advanced this industry by organizing half-day vendor presentations to their over 140 me…

July 23, 2014


Leading Analyst Firm, EMA, Validates Cisco’s Big Data Warehouse Expansion Solution

Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) is a leading industry analyst firm that provides deep insight across the full spectrum of IT and data management technologies. EMA analysts, including Shawn Rogers who guides EMA’s Business Intelligent Research group, leverage a unique combination of practical…

July 9, 2014


New Horizons, New Possibilities: Announcing Data Virtualization Day 2014

With Big Data, the Cloud and the Internet of Everything transforming our world, the possibilities are staggering.  And status quo means falling behind.  These truths drive Data Virtualization Day 2014’s theme: New Horizons, New Possibilities.   This year marks the fifth anniversary of Data Virtualiz…

June 25, 2014


Data Abstraction: The Lingua Franca for Data Silos

Enterprises are seeking ways to improve their overall profitability, cut costs, reduce risk and more through better leverage of their data assets. Significant volumes of complex, diverse data spread across various technology and application silos make it difficult for organizations to achieve these…