
September 30, 2015


Summary – #WednesdayWalkabout Series: Learn Without Limits

What if… …We lived in a world where each and every child has equal access to a quality education… …A place where all students can learn new and innovative skills, setting them up for success, even in this ever-changing world that we live in today… With the amazing technological advancements that hav…

September 30, 2015


#WednesdayWalkabout Series: Learn Without Limits

Co-authored with Dani Schrakamp Learn Without Limits Today’s new technology trends, particularly those around digitization and the Internet of Everything, present education with an unprecedented amplifier. We now have the capacity to share knowledge to an exponentially larger number of people than e…

September 23, 2015


#WednesdayWalkabout Series: Health Tech, Coming Soon to a Location Near You

Co-authored with Dani Schrakamp Digital Health Wave Here we are, now in the digital age. Blah blah, you know that already. But while we all sit around with our smart phones, shopping, socializing, working, and living in the digital world; the reality is that we’ve really only started to scratch the…

September 16, 2015


#WednesdayWalkabout Series: Special Edition

Co-authored with Dani Schrakamp We interrupt this program for a special message This week we kicked off our presence at some exciting events to discuss ongoing issues facing city, country, public safety, and defense leaders across the globe. We are at a unique point in the evolution of our world and…

September 9, 2015


#WednesdayWalkabout Series: Appointment Day with the CIO

Co-authored with Dani Schrakamp Citizen-centric Services in the Digital Era Governments today face a challenging and rapidly changing environment. Ambitious reforms and revenue generating operations are taking precedence, even while a trend of cost cutting and budget tightening is taking effect. Thi…

September 2, 2015


#WednesdayWalkabout Series: A Day on the Bay

Co-authored with Dani Schrakamp The influence of the Internet is often overlooked considering its ubiquitous presence in all facets of our lives today. But we have entered a new era in the life of the Internet and it begs the question, what role will it play in the future? The Internet of Everything…

August 26, 2015


#WednesdayWalkabout Series: Trains, Planes, and Automobiles

Co-authored with Dani Schrakamp Highways, bridges, railways, mass transit, ports, airports, and their cyber networks are all a part of critical transportation infrastructure, which is essential to the daily function of 21st century society. As urban population centers grow, so does the demand on tra…

August 19, 2015


#WednesdayWalkabout Series: Smart Parking and Lighting Make All the Difference

Co-authored with Dani Schrakamp Let there be light…and parking spots! There’s nothing like the quiet (or in my case, not-so-quiet) desperation of circling a few city blocks, over and over again, looking for a spot to park. You can almost feel your sanity slipping away. The search for a parking space…

August 5, 2015



Co-authored with Dani Schrakamp Work Day Journey for the Digital Citizen Wake up. Get ready for the day. Hurry up to…wait in traffic? According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, traffic congestion in the United States alone results in more than 4 billion hours of travel delay and nearly 3 bi…