veterans day

November 9, 2018


Mission Moments: From the Navy to Cisco, a Story of Still Serving

In honor of Veterans Day, we’ve asked veteran Naval Officer Tina Swallow, a current Cisco leader, to share her story of service in both the U.S. Navy and in the private sector. A long line of Naval service continues I was born in Newport, Rhode Island when my father was studying at the Naval War Co…

November 11, 2016


The Unique Perspective Veterans Bring to Businesses

Veterans like Stan Roberts have served our country in a myriad of ways. As a United States Marine, Stan served three tours in Iraq. He received many combat-related awards before he lost his leg and was medically retired. After 11 years with the military, Stan had to reset his plans of entering law e…

November 11, 2015


Thank You to Our Veterans

Veterans, Thank you. Thank you for your service to our country. Thank you for the sacrifices you make for all of us. And thank you for our freedoms. With all of you, past and present, we have an amazing country in which to live, liberties many others do not experience, and the opportunities many oth…

Cisco Celebrates Heroes on Veterans Day

Today in the United States is Veterans Day, where we give thanks to the millions of veterans who have served our country in wartime and peace. Originally called Armistice Day in honor of the cessation of hostilities between the Allied nations and Germany in World War 1 on the 11th hour of the 11th d…

November 11, 2014


Celebrating our Heroes on Veterans Day

We thank all of those serving or who have served in the U.S. military. We live freely today because of your sacrifice. The holiday season has always been a time for family and gratitude. And it is fitting that we thank and honor our Veterans at the beginning of this season. We are humbled by your…

November 12, 2012


Happy Veterans Day from the Cisco Team

As a Marine veteran, this day is extremely special to me. First and foremost, I want to express my unending gratitude to those who have bravely served our country, protecting it no matter what the cost. We spent some time on Memorial Day to show our gratitude, but today it’s time to celebrate our ve…