
Robots Invade Cisco RTP Campus this Weekend

The Cisco Research Triangle Park (RTP), North Carolina campus, normally quiet over the weekend, will be alive and buzzing with activity this Saturday, September 12, as hundreds of students, robots, coaches, and volunteers gather for a day of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) l…

August 5, 2015


Cisco IT Helps Groom Future STEM Talent

Fostering science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education is a business imperative for Cisco. STEM careers are an important element of Cisco IT, and factor significantly in growing our diverse pool of talent and maintaining competitive advantage. Cisco IT supports several company STEM in…

Engineering a STEM mentoring moonshot

The following post was originally published in The Hill In 1961, President John F. Kennedy laid out an ambitious goal for our nation – to land a man on the moon by the end of the decade. In doing so, he inspired a new generation and helped ensure U.S. global leadership in technology for years to co…

A Seismic STEM Challenge

Over 2000 innovators came together in San Jose recently to examine ways to ensure that buildings can survive powerful earthquakes. This was no ordinary trade show. It wasn’t an industry conference filled with engineers and seismologists, policymakers and building managers. Instead, the more than 200…

Cisco Women Engineers Make Their Mark at the IEEE Women In Engineering International Leadership Conference

In April this year, Cisco sponsored the IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference held at the San Jose Marriott. This was part of a concerted effort to advance and attract women in technical and leadership roles in the technology industry. At the beginning of our partnership with…

Cisco-Supported Program Receives Public Service Award

This post was written by guest blogger Alex Belous, Education Portfolio Manager for Cisco Systems and the Cisco Foundation.  Each year, more than 1.4 million people visit the Museum of Science, Boston, where they marvel at exhibits covering everything from aviation to evolution. In 2004, the museum…

Girls Power Tech Inspires Young Women to Pursue IT Careers

Kelly Kramer, Cisco’s Chief Financial Officer, shared an inspirational message with more than 100 young women on Cisco’s San Jose campus yesterday: “You don’t need to live under gender stereotypes; you can be whatever you want to be!” Her words wrapped up this year’s Girls Power Te…

Seeing the Connected World Through the Eyes of Children

Creative. Problem Solver. Team Player. These could easily be a part of a job description in LinkedIn, but for me these words describe the group of 5th and 6th graders I had the privilege to meet last week. Through a Cisco volunteer program called Programa Escuela, elementary school students have the…

April 21, 2015


Should women consider a career in cybersecurity? Absolutely!

With the United Nations’ International Girls in ICT day fast approaching on April 23rd, this is a great opportunity to discuss how we can get young women involved in careers in technology. Cybersecurity is an ever-present issue with companies and individuals suffering attacks daily. At Cisco, we bel…