#CiscoChampion Radio, S4|Ep. 2: Security and ASICs
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we’re discussing Security and ASICs. Get the Podcast Listen to this episode Download this episode (right-click on the episode’s download button) View this episode in iTunes Cisco Guest Dave Zacks (@davezacks), Dist…
Cisco Cloud Services Platform 2100 and Cavium LiquidSecurity™ enable secure Crypto as a Service solution for NFV, Clou …
Cisco and Cavium, Inc., a leading provider of semiconductor products that enable secure and intelligent processing for enterprise, data center, cloud, wired and wireless networking, today are announcing that Cisco is integrating Cavium’s LiquidSecurity™ family into the Cisco Cloud Services Platform…
POODLE and The Curse of Backwards Compatibility
This post was written by Martin Lee Old protocol versions are a fact of life. When a new improved protocol is released, products still need to support the old version for backwards compatibility. If previous versions contain weaknesses in security, yet their continued support is mandated, then secur…
BREACH, CRIME and Black Hat
During the last three years, the security research community has been having a lot of fun with SSL/TLS uncovering a few nifty attacks. First, in 2011, Juliano Rizzo and Thai Duong released the details about the BEAST attack on Transport Layer Security (TLS) at the ekoparty Security Conference in Bue…