open dns

September 14, 2017


Cloud Unfiltered Podcast, Episode 18: Chris Riviere, Cisco

Cloud security is the kind of topic that can make you sigh, shake your head, and quickly look for some other, less daunting project to deal with—no doubt about it. I mean honestly—what do you even define as “cloud” in your particular environment, and what constitutes “secure”? Is your only job to wo…

September 29, 2016


Using Cisco Umbrella with Cisco WSA and Splunk for private reporting

Sometimes having a effective and innovative solution goes in a confrontation with the local country requirements. Especially when we want to deploy as cloud based security service. Using a cloud security service will one the one hand address quite nicely the need for better security and easy deploym…

May 27, 2016


George Washington University Uses OpenDNS to Protect Intellectual Property

Securing intellectual property and protecting reputation are essential to research universities around the world. Major intellectual property theft can have serious repercussions on universities, especially in their ability to attract and retain students, faculty and researchers. For George Washingt…