Coding Essentials I – NetDevOps Series, Part 3
Previous posts in the NetDevOps Series are available here. Let’s do a quick review of the different foundational coding building blocks that network engineers need to understand and use when entering the programmability world. YANG data models Data models are conceptual representations of data…
The Anatomy of NetDevOps
What distinguishes us as human? Complex cognitive abilities, of course. But beyond our intellectual prowess, the way humans change, adapt, evolve, and make use of tools is perhaps what sets our species apart more than anything else.1 As Network Engineers, we apply the network first principle – where…
Programmability and Coding – NetDevOps Series, Part 2
In part 1 of this NetDevOps Series we talked about the need for network programmability. Here, in part 2, let’s dive into … What is Programmability? Computers are great at bulk-work, but if you want your computer to talk to your infrastructure and do something, you will need a machine-to…
The Need for Network Programmability – NetDevOps Series, Part 1
Do you often ask yourself why we keep configuring our network devices in the same way we have been doing it for the last 30 years? Isn’t it strange that we still need to log into each individual box and use command-line instructions to perform any changes? Do you wonder if there might be a mor…
Detecting Network Abuse with Automation
Network automation can be used for many things. The other day Jon Hudson posted a question on Twitter. “Can anyone point me to a Troubleshooting example in an automated network?”. This was a timely question as I had actually just done that exact thing in the DevNet Sandbox network to he…
NetDevOps Live! Season 2 Shines a Spotlight on Network Automation
NetDevOps Live! Season 2 Starts April 2019 Oh yeah, we’re back and better than ever. After a relaxing off season made up of multiple Cisco Live events and other conferences, we are back with NetDevOps Live! Season 2. And in Season 2 we are taking a look at network automation from start to fi…
I’ve got a secret and I’ll share it, if you promise not to tell anyone in the US, Europe, or LATAM. You promise?… OK, good. In the past twelve months, I’ve spoken at all four Cisco Lives around the globe and hands down, without a doubt, my favorite location is Melbourne. Between its setting (r…
NetDevOps Invades DevNet Sandbox
When I joined DevNet in December of 2016 it was to dive deep and hard into all things network automation and programmability. Fairly quickly I was entranced with the idea of NetDevOps, and working out how to apply ideas like Infrastructure as Code, Configuration Management, CICD, Streaming Telemetry…
How DevOps Changed My (Work) Life
I am so excited. Just today I’ve started working in a new role around infrastructure programmability and NetDevOps. But how did this happen to a classic network engineer? And why is this relevant to you? Please come with me on this 20-year trip! Background info In my previous life I worked fo…