DistribuTECH 2017 Shows a Window to the Future of the Digital Grid

Enable – Differentiate – Define. This is the message Cisco brought to DistribuTECH 2017, and as the utility industry experiences their own Digital Business Transformation, the Digital Vortex draws them ever closer to the whirlwind. With new technologies and capabilities emerging almost daily, the co…

Don’t play cat and mouse with grid security

Many of us remember growing up watching the TV show Tom and Jerry. Tom always plots to capture Jerry resulting in mayhem and destruction, but Tom rarely, if ever, is able to catch Jerry because of Jerry’s cunningness. Source: Google Play Jerry’s ability to beat Tom is more than just luck. It’s his…

March 11, 2016


Don’t Let the Lights Go Out on Critical Infrastructure Security

As cyberattack prevention becomes an increasingly critical focus of homeland security efforts, industry observers are taking a closer look at the readiness of the nation’s critical infrastructure. Some believe there is reason to worry. Researchers recently revealed that many industrial systems, incl…