Multicloud Portfolio
Helping Customers After They Move to Multicloud
Orchestrating an IT infrastructure and all the applications running on it has never been easy, even when all of that ran in a single environment fully under your control behind the firewall in your data center. Keeping track of what applications are running where and on what systems has always been…
Your Guide to The Multicloud World, Part 3
Making the move to a multicloud environment is a complicated process that requires clear-headed and careful planning, an understanding of the various options and choices that have to be made and a strategy for overcoming the obstacles that no doubt will come up. As we showed in the previous blog in…
Your Guide To The Multicloud World, Part 2
The multicloud era is here. There is no denying that businesses large and small are accelerating the pace of moving applications and data to not only private and public clouds, but multiple clouds. It’s a strategy that holds a lot of promise but is not an easy one to pull off, in either the move to…
Your Guide to The Multicloud World, Part 1
The world is going multicloud. Organizations seeking the efficiency, speed, scalability and reduced costs the cloud promises, are rapidly moving applications and data out of their on-premises environments and into the private and public clouds, and increasingly – for high availability and disaster r…