
January 13, 2020


Cisco Makes Waves in Subsea Market

If you’re anything like me, your internet connection is a connection to family, to friends, to work, to business partners, to entertainment – and everything in between. When people think of the internet these days, “the cloud” often comes to mind, for storage and apps and streaming games and videos,…

Distance + Capacity = Cisco Sets Global Spectral Efficiency Record

Ask any network operator what keeps them up at night, and the ability to transport massive amounts of data is sure to come up in the conversation. Additionally, they’ll tell you that their data might require low latency, that it might be transactional, and that it definitely has to be encrypted. But…

Cisco Expands 400G and 600G Trials with CENIC

The Cisco NCS 1004 has been in numerous trials since December of 2018, demonstrating multi-haul transmission. The NCS 1004 offers the flexibility to optimize for higher wavelength capacity or for fiber efficiency to support a wide range of customer applications. To date the NCS 1004 has successfully…

Cisco NCS 1004 – The Bridge Between Reach and Capacity

Last year at OFC, we launched the NCS 1004, and we demonstrated the NCS 1004 live in our booth working error-free up to 500G. We have come a long way since then. Customers have successfully run 600G on live networks. The NCS 1004 has achieved 10,000 km+ subsea reach with state-of-the-art performance…

February 27, 2019


Cisco and Verizon to Demonstrate the Benefit of Multi-Haul Transport

Internet Traffic Trends and Network Pressure Internet traffic and connected devices continue to grow. In North America, between 2017 and 2022, average broadband speeds are projected to grow 2.1x times to 94Mbps. Average Wi-Fi speeds are projected to grow 2.2x to 84Mbps, and average mobile connection…