Middle East

November 27, 2018


DNSpionage Campaign Targets Middle East

This blog post was authored by Warren Mercer and Paul Rascagneres. Executive Summary Cisco Talos recently discovered a new campaign targeting Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) affecting .gov domains, as well as a private Lebanese airline company. Based on our research, it’s clear that…

Cisco Hosts Future Women Leaders from Tunisia

This post was written by guest blogger Richard Bartmess, a Cisco IT analyst. Inspired by the 2011 Tunisian Revolution and the demand for more freedom, transparency, and democracy, Afràa is determined to fight against corruption and to help lead her country forward. Imane has a master’s degree…

How Cisco is Increasing Professional Opportunities for Women in the Middle East

Today on Triple Pundit, Leon Kaye writes about the challenges Saudi Arabian women face in finding meaningful employment, and how the Cisco Networking Academy program is helping to create more opportunities for them. Of the nearly 17,000 Networking Academy students in Saudi Arabia, 42 percent are wom…