Miercom Tests Endorse Cisco 1000 Series ISRs’ IPsec Encryption Performance
In both traditional and future SD-WAN network architectures, IPsec encryption performance is one of the most important technologies for secure delivery of customer traffic in branch routers. Higher IPsec throughput performance can also translate into improved customer experience and even revenue. Mi…
Industrial IoT Routers & Gateways – Under the Hood of IPsec VPN
At Cisco Live Barcelona 2018, engineers from our Industrial IoT Product Management and Customer Experience team, led a lab on industrial gateways and VPN technologies. While we look forward to repeating this session in future Cisco Live events, let’s discuss the impact of VPN technology on industria…
Prevent an Encryption Bottleneck on High-Speed Links
What if you had a car with a powerful, turbo-charged engine that could fly along at 130 mph —until you turned on the air conditioner and watched the max speed drop to 50? Pick up two friends, and it struggles to maintain 30 mph. This would be depressing for you as a driver, but it does make a good a…