Fog – A Clear Vision
This week at the Internet of Things World Forum we are challenging the industry to accelerate the adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT leverages many ‘off the shelf’ technologies but also has some unique requirements, which must be met. How do we make sure that the right critical informatio…
Welcome to the Second Internet of Things World Forum #IoTWF
Today I have the honor of kicking off the second Internet of Things World Forum in Chicago. We first launched the Internet of Things World Forum last year in Barcelona with the goal of accelerating the IoT ecosystem along with our steering committee members. In the second annual World Forum over th…
IoTWF Hackathon in Chicago: Inviting Dreamers to #IoTWFHack
Imagine a world where inanimate objects have the chance to speak. A machine could tell a manager that her employees were in danger because its parts are aging. Imagine a world where objects can speak to one another to make you and the environment safer, to transport you faster, to make industries m…
Announcing Finalists for the IoT Innovation Grand Challenge!
When the IoT Innovation Grand Challenge was announced in April 2014, I was a little concerned and apprehensive about the number and quality of submissions the contest would attract. But looking back now at the overwhelming response and the fantastic submissions, I can honestly say the IoT Challenge…
Two #IoTChat events this Wednesday Sep 10!
In the same way that the number of devices connected to the internet is increasing with Internet of Things, the discussions of IoT are likewise proliferating! This week, there are two #IoTChats! On our weekly #IoTChat (Wednesdays 11am PT / 2pm ET) we’ll be joined by Internet of Things World Forum…
Internet of Things World Forum 2014 – Why, What, Who and How #IoTWF
The Internet of Things is Here and Now. Looking outside of Cisco you can see this in the many and accelerating IoT companies that have been purchased this year – Google’s acquisition of Nest Labs, Facebook’s acquisition of What’s App, and many more. Internet of things has been around a…
Join Us for #IoTChat on Wednesday 11am PT!
Last week we kicked off our first #IoTChat! The topic was also the theme for this year’s Internet of Things World Forum, and the overall theme we’ll be embracing for this quarter: IoT is Here, IoT is Now with the implied: (and what does that mean?) Here are three simple steps to join to…
Congratulations to the IoT Innovation Grand Challenge Semi-finalists!
In April 2014, Cisco announced the IoT Innovation Grand Challenge, a global, open competition aimed at recognizing, promoting and accelerating the adoption of breakthrough technologies that will contribute to the growth and evolution of the Internet of Things. The response was overwhelming with fan…
New IoT Tweet Chat Series Starting Wednesday 11am PT #IoTChat
As we gear up for the Internet of Things World Forum in October, it seems like a good time to start a discussion with the broader IoT community. The goal of this series is to have a focused weekly discussion on a topic relevant to Internet of Things. Since the theme of the IoT World Forum is “IoT…