Cisco Technology Allows for Virtual Visits with Medical Specialists
Amanda Spencer’s young son, Jonathan, needs specialty medical care that isn’t available in the family’s hometown of Monterey, California. But through Cisco HealthPresence technology, Amanda and Jonathan can meet with a pediatric urologist at Stanford University, 80 miles away, without even leaving M…
Visit Cisco at the ATA Fall Forum: Get Your Complimentary VIP Exhibit Hall Pass Now
If you are planning to attend the American Telemedicine Association Fall Forum at the Sheraton Centre in downtown Toronto, be sure to make time to visit the Cisco booth. I will be on hand, along with key members of the Cisco Canadian healthcare team, and we look forward to discussing your upcoming…
My Observations from HIMSS 2013 #IoE
A doctor in California diagnosing a patient in Africa. An Ohio woman on vacation accessing her medical records from an emergency room in London. A patient’s vital signs being monitored remotely from a hospital on the other side of town. These are all scenarios that just years ago seemed impossible……
The Impact of Telehealth Technology and Social Innovation in Healthcare
Everyday we’re bombarded with seemingly unsolvable issues: healthcare crises in developing nations, struggling education systems, natural disasters that displace thousands or even millions of people. Delivered via 24-hour cable news, our Google newsfeed, or smart phone news apps, it’s easy to feel l…
The Changing Landscape of Healthcare in the Digital Age
Dr. William A. Kennedy knows how having a sick child can burden a family. In the 1970s, his brother suffered from metastatic Ewing’s sarcoma. Getting him the care he needed at a hospital 25 miles away was a full-time job for their mother and required help from other relatives and friends. Today, Dr.…