guest wi-fi

November 14, 2016


Your Branch Could Save You Millions or More from Security Attacks

Like a trusted partner, Cisco is there. With the ISR 4000s, you’re in good hands. Why all the cleverly-crafted references to insurance companies and security at the branch?…

August 7, 2015


Branch Direct Internet Access: is your branch office secure?

With the recent launch of FirePower Threat Defense on Cisco 4000 Series Integrated Services Routers, I would like to spend some time talking about enterprise branch security and what are the requirements to keep in mind to secure your branch office. Let’s start out by examining your branch environme…

July 10, 2015


Passpoint™ Wi-Fi and CMX Connect – Seamless and Secure

Throughout the next couple of months, I’ve decided to blog about the great technology Passpoint™ Wi-Fi and how CMX Connect can help. Since this is a series of blogs I’d like to focus this first installment primarily on what Passpoint Wi-Fi is. First thing to understand about Passpoint is that…