global problem solvers

Training and Educating Latin America’s Future Workforce

More than 56 million people in Latin America rose above the poverty line between 2002 and 2011. Thanks to a thriving job market and rising wages, the middle class in the region grew by 82 million people in that time span, as more people discovered new economic opportunities in an increasingly connec…

October 6, 2015


Accelerate Job Creation through Social Incubators

This post was originally featured on Huffington Post ImpactX This week, I’m excited to be a part of the SOCAP15 (Social Capital Markets) annual conference. This event convenes more than 2,000 impact investors, world-class entrepreneurs, and incubator managers, working together to create a better fut…

What 30 Years of History Means for the Future

Thirty years. What were you doing 30 years ago? Were you graduating from college? From high school? Were you starting your first career? Were you born yet? Thirty years is obviously going to mean different things to different people. Here at Cisco, we’re celebrating 30 years. Thirty years of technol…