global problem solvers

Lunula Health Awarded Cisco Global Problem Solver Prize at 2018 Rice Business Plan Competition

Cisco awarded its third annual Global Problem Solver Prize to Lunula Health at the 2018 Rice Business Plan Competition. The 17th annual Rice Business Plan Competition (RBPC) was held this past weekend, April 5-8, in Houston, Texas on the Rice University campus. The RBPC is the largest startup compet…

Bold Investments Changing the Future of Social Good

Whether addressing income inequality or access to vital resources such as water, food, or healthcare, lasting change only starts with a committed investment or partnership. Reaching a meaningful end goal requires a sustained effort — dependent on an approach that is strategic, evidence-based, partne…

Brands Tackle Global Challenges in the Magnitude of Billions

A strategic approach to solving the most critical problems around the world starts with a look at sobering numbers. The World Economic Forum’s 2018 Global Risks Report highlights that 70% of young people live on less than US$3.10 per day, and 90% of the world’s population breathes polluted air. The…

March 9, 2018


An Inspiring Conversation with Global Problem Solvers

Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to sit down with Mary Elizabeth McCulloch and Elizabeth Nyeko, two socially minded young women who exemplify the mindset of a Global Problem Solver. They joined me on stage in San Jose at the Women of Impact conference, where we spoke to more than 16,000 glob…

In STEM, All Girls Can Be Tech Superheroes

This blog was guest-written by Jenine Beekhuyzen, founder of Tech Girls Movement. She’ll be guest-speaking during the “Girls are Tech Superheroes” session of the Women Rock-IT series on March 15th. There is an incorrect assumption that digital natives are digitally literate. Although they have grown…

Cisco and CARE Invest in Tomorrow’s Global Problem Solvers

Innovative ideas are everywhere, from Silicon Valley’s corporate offices to dorm rooms across the United States. They can be small or large; local or global; old or new. Incubators, classrooms, and garages around the world house what could be the “next big thing.” But without an in…

January 22, 2018


Cisco Named One of the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations by Corporate Knights

Many exciting announcements were shared today at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, and one that we are very honored to be a part of is being ranked on the 2018 Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World index. The annual Global 100, launched in 2005 by Toronto-based media an…

December 11, 2017


Cisco’s FY17 CSR Report: Accelerating Global Problem Solving

We live in a digitally connected world where anyone can be a global problem solver, addressing critical issues like unemployment, hunger, poverty, climate change, and income inequality. By combining the power of technology with innovative, entrepreneurial, and passionate people, we can accelerate so…

Supporting and Elevating Talent Around the World

This post was guest-written by Juliana Rotich, a consultant at Novato Africa, technologist, strategic advisor, entrepreneur, and keynote speaker. She is the co-founder of BRCK Inc, a hardware and services technology company based in Nairobi, Kenya, and Ushahidi, a non-profit tech company, which spec…