Lifting the veil on Full Duplex DOCSIS

Written by John Holobinko, Director Access Strategy, Cable Access Business Unit Traditional cable access systems can only transmit data in one direction across any part of the spectrum.  Compared to PONs, a cable access network is severely limited in the maximum symmetrical data speed it can support…

Looking Back at 2016, a Year in Cable

As we have just come back from the holidays and spent time with family and loved ones, I wanted to take the opportunity to look back at 2016 and provide you with some of the highlights for Cisco in Cable Access over the year. In May 2016 we celebrated the first birthday of the cBR-8, our evolved CCA…

October 26, 2016


Join Cisco, Comcast & Cox to Learn About Full Duplex DOCSIS

We wrote about Full Duplex DOCSIS® technology a few weeks back prior to the SCTE event in Philadelphia. Along with Remote PHY, virtual CMTS, video security, and virtual video processing, it was one of the hottest topics in our booth. Why is it getting so much attention? Because cable visionaries ar…