
Every Day Should Be Equal Pay Day

I’m wearing red today. Not because it’s my favorite color, but because I proudly support fair pay. In the United States, today is Equal Pay Day—a day to remember how far some women and minorities are “in the red” with their pay. As Shari Slate, VP, Chief Inclusion and Collaboration Officer, wrote a…

The Future of Fairness

If you’ve tuned into some of the latest headlines within our industry – from the push for pay equity to the call for higher levels of diversity – you may have noticed a common theme. Fairness. There’s a shift occurring in the dialogue – and action – around driving fairness. And Cisco is making the s…

A deeper, broader dialogue for unity

In the past few years, we have borne witness to events of immense historic significance in the fight for fair and equal treatment under the law within the United States.  Undoubtedly, we all have mourned injustice and incomprehensible loss – from Ferguson to Falcon Heights to Baton Rouge – for Trayv…