factory security

May 15, 2017


WannaCry and Ransomware: How Manufacturers Can Reduce Risk

Friday, May 12 looked like a typical day for most folks as they went into work looking to finish off their day and head into the weekend. But as the day progressed, many organizations across the globe quickly realized that their TGIF was going to be spent dealing with a ransomware attack known as Wa…

October 25, 2016


The risk of doing nothing

Source: Edreformnow.org Have you ever told your team, “Upgrading our equipment is too expensive and likely to cause downtime. Let’s just keep it running.” Ultimately, you made a risk decision. While cyber security hasn’t been a critical risk factor until recently, it has quickly emerged as one of to…

August 2, 2016


The Security Seven: 7 Ways to Defend Your Factory from Today’s Threats

This is part 1 of a 2 part series. Next week we’ll reveal part 2. Manufacturers who are better at connecting factory systems with enterprise networks undoubtedly create a more agile, efficient, flexible and profitable business, as exemplified in a recent case study we had with Daimler Truck N…

January 21, 2016


A Simple Way to Get Your Factory IoT-Ready

Before coming to Cisco, I worked as CTO for an irrigation system manufacturer. We were building a cloud-based commercial irrigation system and we needed an improved ERP system for the back-office transactions. My goal was to move us from the on-premise system that was architected when Ronald Reagan…