The Impact of Distributed Generation
Distributed generation is getting increasing attention for impact on the electric utility industry. DG has been the subject of a number of high profile articles in Business Week, the Wall St. Journal and several online business and industry news sites. The Business Week article was particularly pr…
Accelerating the shift to renewable power
When we announced Cisco’s new environmental sustainability goals, one goal continued to require the most clarification from both internal and external stakeholders: having our corporate electricity emissions factor at half of the International Energy Agency (IEA) world average. This goal, and…
Cisco Tied for #1 with Google on Greenpeace Cool IT Leaderboard
Greenpeace started evaluating global Information Technology (IT) companies in 2009 because IT companies have a central role to play in enabling a modern, renewable-powered energy infrastructure. The IT sector has the opportunity to drive transformative change in the consumption and production of ene…
Dan Kern joins the Cisco Manufacturing Blog
I’m delighted to introduce Dan Kern to the Manufacturing Blog! Dan joined Cisco five years ago and leads the Manufacturing & Energy Industry Sector marketing practice for the Americas. He focuses on understanding the business needs of Cisco customers and drives engagements that introduce…
Cisco Endorses OpenStand at ITU-T in Dubai
Following the ITU hosted CTO meeting held in Dubai on November 18 2012, where I represented our CTO Padmasree Warrior, I had the pleasure to present at the ITU-T Global Standards Symposium [GSS] in Dubai on November 19 2012. This panel was of particular interest to us because Cisco observed a number…