
May 18, 2016


There’s Never Been a Better Time for Drones to Save Lives

“Can drones save lives?” It’s a question that many outside the drone industry might find startling. Much of the general public still perceives drones as being deployed primarily for aerial surveillance or attacks in times of war.  This view was certainly reinforced in the recent movie, “Eye in the S…

January 5, 2016


IoT, Robotics, Drones: Triggers for Digital Transformation

Happy Disruptive New Year! As 2016 promises to unleash digital innovations across industries, let’s pause for a moment and ask ourselves: What are some of the common triggers of this disruptive transformation to digitize business and society? Three that immediately spring to my mind are: the Interne…

November 2, 2015


Life Saving Drones Aid First Responders

Emergency readiness is one of the most frequently practiced and probably one of the least frequently exercised drills. However, when it counts on saving human lives, it really counts. One such massive effort in emergency preparedness took place during the week of Sep 28 at the Guardian Centers in At…

October 8, 2015


IoE and Drones: A Tale of Two Technologies

In September, more than 2,500 drone enthusiasts gathered in Las Vegas for world’s largest commercial drone show, InterDrone. As I touched upon in my previous blog post, people often ask about Cisco’s role in drone ecosystem. During my keynote address the audience was astonished (a big “wow” factor)…

September 10, 2015


Drones: Just Buzz or Real Business?

“Why Cisco?” I was asked repeatedly after speaking on a panel about drones. “Why not Cisco?” was my passionate response. The occasion was the recent NASA UTM Convention at Silicon Valley’s historic Moffett Field to explore creative traffic management solutions for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), po…

September 10, 2015


Drones and the Internet of Everything: Where Does Cisco Fit?

Earlier this summer I was privileged to be the closing keynote speaker at the UTM Convention, sponsored by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International’s Silicon Valley chapter. The convention took place at the NASA Ames Research Center in California, and focused on the unmanned-vehicl…