data center of the future

February 26, 2014


#EngineersUnplugged S4|Ep13: Data Center of the Future

In this week’s episode of Engineers Unplugged, Jamie MacQuarrie (@JMacQuarrie) and Jay Cuthrell (@qthrul) discuss both the history and future of the data center. How have automation and standards changed the operational model for applications? How are roles changing with the changing technolog…

May 15, 2013


#EngineersUnplugged S2|Ep15: Data Center Transformation

Welcome to the Season Finale of Season 2 of Engineers Unplugged! It’s the perfect conversation to end with, as Joel McKelvey (NetApp, @joelmckelvey) and Gina Minks (Dell, @gminks) talk about the data center of the future, and the transformations that are necessary within the business. This is…