Fixing Broken Windows: Shattered Myths About the Glass Ceiling
Leading organisations now realise that improving the representation of female leaders is crucial to business success. In fact, according to research from McKinsey, “Companies in the top quartile for gender diversity are 15 percent more likely to have financial returns above their respective national…
A solo trip to Russia
When you hear about Russia, what images come to your mind? Grand Palaces, matryoshka dolls, vodka? Since studying Russian history at school and in my endeavour to visit as many countries as possible during my lifetime (I’ve currently visited 42), I’ve always wanted to visit the largest country in th…
What Makes a Telework Program Successful?
The Cisco telework program has evolved over the years from a convergence of top-down company practices with bottom-up changes in employee expectations. From our experience we have learned how several factors can make flexible work a success for everyone. Clear policies and company culture. Cisco ha…
Systematic Transformation in Higher Education: The Intersection with Technology in a Journey Toward the Future (Navigati …
Part 3 of A Six-Part Series: Transforming Higher Education in the US This six-part series will focus on transformation of the traditional higher education system in the United States. The Need for Change and Shared Challenges were the focus of the previous chapters in this series. From Cisco’s expe…
Social Media Is Like Stir-From-the-Bottom Yogurt, Culture and All
Security and its integration with social media continues to be a topic of conversation amongst my colleagues in Security Intelligence Operations. We observe how “being connected” has become an integral part of many lives around the world: each voice has an opportunity to be heard, provid…
How Does Corporate Culture Impact a Company’s Success?
Culture exists in any organization, whether created through careful design and implementation, or through natural development as a company grows. What exactly is “corporate culture”?…