corporate social responsibility

Challenging the Next Generation of STEM Professionals

Yesterday, Cisco and Junior Achievement of Northern California hosted Cisco’s inaugural Social Innovation Challenge on our San Jose campus. Fifty high school students from nearby Independence High School and Sequoia High School worked together in small groups to create and pitch ways to connect the…

Cisco France Asks Students and Young Entrepreneurs to “Change the World” with Networked Connections

Last Wednesday, October 1, Cisco France announced its second annual Le Défi Cisco – or The Cisco Challenge. This competition is created and led by Cisco volunteers and encourages college students and young entrepreneurs to develop technology projects that address social or environmental issues. All…

Preparing Texas Students Today for the STEM Jobs of Tomorrow

This post written by guest blogger Steve Slattery, Vice President of Unified Communications and Customer Engagement, Cisco   Nearly 60 10th graders from the Plano Independent School District STEM Academy came to Cisco’s Richardson, Texas, campus today to gain hands-on experience with the techn…

Tell the Video Monitor “Ahh”: High Tech Healthcare Serves Patients

With all the frenzied fanfare normally surrounding the debut of new Apple products, the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus were recently introduced to the masses. And though these new phones were the big news of the day for the technology giant, the Apple Watch is what the healthcare industry has its eyes o…

Employee Volunteers Initiate Creative CSR Activities in France

Cisco France has always had a special interest in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). We want to contribute to our country’s main economical and societal challenges. And we want to do it by using our expertise in network technology and our energy. As everywhere, France faces many social, economic…

Cisco Named to Dow Jones Sustainability Index for 9th Year in a Row

Cisco was recently named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) World and the DJSI North America for the 9th year in a row, based on a thorough analysis of our economic, social, and environmental performance. The DJSI recognizes Cisco among the 80 most sustainable companies in the world, and a…

Two CSR Nonprofit Partners Win Tech Innovation Awards

Two of Cisco’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) nonprofit grantees, Gooru and Worldreader, have won 2014 Tech Awards from the Tech Museum of Innovation for their work in applying technology to some of the world’s most urgent educational challenges. Gooru is a free, open-source education search…

5 Ways We Can Prepare the Next Generation of Workers for Tomorrow’s Technology

This blog was original published on the Huffington Post Impact X Consider this: Many of today’s top jobs didn’t exist 10 years ago — jobs such as app developers, social media managers, and cloud computing administrators. And, by 2018, it’s predicted that there will be 21 bill…

Reimagining Impact at the 2014 Clinton Global Initiative

Globally, 13 percent of young people – nearly 75 million people — are unemployed. In the Middle East and North Africa, this number rises to more than 28 percent. The issue is compounded when you factor in the 127 million unemployed adults worldwide. Meanwhile, 40 percent of employers in the Un…