Cloud Management
Cut Your Risks & Costs By Reducing Redundant Cloud Services
How crazy is this? We’ve found that large organizations on average use 172 compute, 157 marketing and sales and 62 finance services from the cloud. Some organizations use nearly double these amounts! Simply put, as businesses groups control more IT spend and purchase more cloud services, cloud spraw…
Gain Intelligence From Cloud Sprawl
Co-authored with Robert Dimicco Senior Director, Advanced Services How many cloud services do you think your enterprise uses? You’ll be surprised: businesses use ~10-15 X more cloud services – unknowingly. This is what we call ‘cloud sprawl,’ because there are too many cloud service…
Get Your Cloud Assessed – And Better Manage It Too
In the last two years, we’ve used Cisco Cloud Consumption Assessment and helped many customers discover and understand their cloud services, costs and security risks. The results are surprising! On average, enterprises use nearly 675 cloud services, have much more risk controls needing attention, an…
How Do You Protect Your Business If Your Cloud Service Provider Fails?
By the end of this year, Gartner predicts 1 of 4 cloud service providers (CSPs) will no longer be in business due to consolidation or lack of funding. Based on the explosive growth of cloud use, you are likely using SaaS to support business critical functions and IaaS compute or storage services fro…
Deliver Infrastructure at the Speed of Need
Smart devices give us access to information and services at the speed of need. But they have conditioned us to expect anything and everything faster — and that includes IT services. This expectation for speed coupled with modern technology is driving IT innovation. Yet, in most organizations,…
TechWiseTV: Cloud Agility through Smarter Automation
Agility is highly sought after in today’s business environment. It allows your business to rapidly adapt to market changes or competitive pressures. It enables your business to capture new opportunities and customers without expanding your staff or increasing costs. To accomplish these objective…
Deliver Services at Internet Speed
How quickly can your organization stand-up a new application or deploy new services? Most customers tell me, “not fast enough!” I am clearly hearing from them that the new standard expectation across the organization is to receive precise data center resources in “internet time,…
Introducing Cisco ONE Enterprise Cloud Suite
Forrester research indicates that private cloud has entered into the formal IT portfolio by becoming a core part of data center strategy. I have been writing about the sea change underway in private cloud. This sea change means that automating the provisioning of virtual machines and their infras…
Do You Know How Much You Are Spending On Cloud? Hidden Costs of Public Cloud Can be 4-8 Times Higher than Visible Costs
Reducing costs remains amongst the top reasons why organizations use public cloud services. However, when calculating the costs of public cloud services organizations need to look well beyond the license fees and billed costs. With Cisco Cloud Consumption Services, we have worked with numerous custo…