cloud automation
Accelerate Private and Public Clouds
The pace of business is accelerating. As consumers, the internet has changed our expectations for how to order products, services or information as well as how fast it is delivered. Think about it. We access a web page, order what we want and complete the transaction. In some cases, our orders…
Empower Your Application Teams
Application teams are the backbone of the revenue generating capabilities of all companies. These creative people spend their off-hours working with the latest tools to keep their skills sharp. Increasingly, these teams are going into the public cloud to develop their applications. Why? Develope…
Cisco ONE Software Makes it Easy to Start Automating
Companies’ expectations of IT keep increasing as the pace of business intensifies, creating greater demand for new services and faster access to resources and data. If you have been reading my blogs, you know that THE way for IT to keep pace with the speed of business is automation. But buyers bewa…
TechWiseTV: Cloud Agility through Smarter Automation
Agility is highly sought after in today’s business environment. It allows your business to rapidly adapt to market changes or competitive pressures. It enables your business to capture new opportunities and customers without expanding your staff or increasing costs. To accomplish these objective…
A Better Way to Private Cloud
Organizations are realizing that without a formal comprehensive cloud strategy, line of business and application architects will continue to sidestep their internal IT organizations and procure solutions on their own – an industry phenomenon known as “rogue IT” which happens out of necessity. While…
Automation is Unavoidable – But Painful Shift Isn’t
Private cloud – you hear it everywhere. Industry analysts tell us that private cloud has become a core data center strategy well on its way to becoming a core element in the formal IT portfolio. Forrester research indicates that CIOs and IT departments are strongly drawn to private cloud as the on…
Open Source Acceleration for Applications
In previous blogs I have described how organizations are maturing beyond provisioning of individual servers to provisioning of richer cloud-based application stacks. Known as platform-as-a-service (PaaS), this capability takes cloud technology beyond infrastructure to automate the application life…
Let Cisco Cloud Work for Your Business
At a recent event I saw a T-shirt that said “Remember when cloud only meant rain?” In the days before cloud computing, asking someone what they thought about cloud usually invoked a response about an animal-shaped formation or looking at cumulonimbus and predicting precipitation. One thing that tod…
Join the Conversation: Cisco and Forrester Webcast
Cloud is changing the way businesses deploy and manage IT and business services. Industry analysts estimate that by the end of 2014, four out of 10 companies will have deployed a private cloud. But where do you start? Join Cisco and Forrester on February 18th, for this live webcast entitled: C…