Cisco Live Partner Days

July 14, 2017


Cisco Live and Beyond. Together, we really are Super Heroes.

This year’s Cisco Live was like no other.  There was so much excitement as we flew into Las Vegas.  The momentum prior to Cisco Live (US) is always present with the anticipation of partners, customers and Cisco teams coming together for one large event.  However, this year was different with T…

June 23, 2017


Insider’s Guide to the (First-Ever) CLUS Partner Days

Chances are if you’re attending this year’s Cisco Live in Las Vegas, you’re probably not new to the event. With more than 37,000 attending the four global Cisco Live events held each year, it’s the largest event we host. Although attendees always come for the in depth-training, live demos and networ…

June 23, 2017


Cisco Live Opens New Ways For Us To Align

It started in 2016 when we hosted two Partner Summits in the same year.  That’s when we really began to walk the talk of recognizing our partners as an extension of our sales force. Alignment is one of Wendy Bahr’s guiding principles for our mutual success, and moving Partner Summit to follow GSX, o…