Cisco Identity Service Engine (ISE)
New Cisco Network for vRad Helps Doctor-Patient Relationships
We’ve all been there: we just had a test performed at a doctor’s office, now we’re at home waiting on pins and needles for the results. Whether the results are good or bad, hearing them on the telephone can be a bit impersonal. Some times the doctor isn’t the one making the phone call. If you have q…
Colombian University and Cisco Technology: A Great Fit
You know that updating your wireless network has a lot of benefits. But one of the challenges of an organization updating its own network is the speed in which it can be done. You want to make sure your new network is deployed quickly AND correctly. Universidad EAFIT located in Medellín, Antioquia C…
Cisco Devices Take Center Stage at Presidential Debates
It was an event that transfixed the nation Monday night: Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump met for a televised debate for the first time. Cisco was literally on top of the action as dozens of Cisco Aironet 3700 and 3800 Access Points…
The True Value of Network Security Monitoring
The Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) conducted research into how cybersecurity professionals view network security monitoring and how they use it in their organization. The report Network Security Monitoring Trends surveyed 200 IT and cybersecurity professionals who have a knowledge of or responsibil…
Cisco’s Knack for NAC – Cisco ISE Receives Frost & Sullivan Market Leadership Award
Infrastructure is aging, networks are expanding, and more devices are connecting. The Cisco 2016 Midyear Cybersecurity Report finds that attackers are remaining active and undetected for weeks, months, or even longer by taking advantage of well-known vulnerabilities that organizations should have ad…
Feast Your ISE on This Image!
During the last few weeks I’ve used this blog to talk a lot about how the Cisco Identity Service Engine (ISE) Express License Bundle is the perfect security complement to your wireless network. I’ve written about the ease of set-up, the very reasonable pricing and how it doesn’t matter about your or…
Why Roam? Cisco ISE Express Has You Covered
If you’re like me, you don’t like to mix things. The components for my home theater are the same. My tablet, cell phone and laptop all run the same OS. I don’t even like Neapolitan ice cream. Some might think I’m boring, but I prefer orderly. Your network is made up of Cisco products, so why are you…
Planes, trains, and automobiles – if it’s on your network, Cisco ISE can see it
Planes, trains, and automobiles – if it’s on your network, Cisco ISE can see it in minutes and control its access dynamically at scale. Networks are increasingly distributed and more devices are connecting to your network every day. Research finds that 300 billion devices will be connected to the In…
ISE Express Packs the Best Price with the Best Performance
You just set up your entire network using Cisco products and it was incredibly easy. But now you have a question: how do you make sure that your network and your data stays secure? Certainly the safeguard for running security must be time-consuming to set up, a bear to maintain and incredibly expens…