Cisco CSR

3 Ways The Internet of Everything Is Improving Our World

This blog was originally posted on Huffington Post. Every day, we’re bombarded with seemingly unsolvable issues — health care crises, struggling schools, poverty, and climate change are just a few. These issues may at first seem too big for any of us to solve. But in today’s techno…

Tackling Children’s Health Problems with Technology and Collaboration

Children’s health care is a growing concern on a domestic and global scale among parents, specialists, and policymakers. Treating this special population, particularly among those living in rural communities, ignites continual challenges including insurance concerns, limited transportation, and the…

How can the Internet of Everything Improve Our World?

Join this week long public conversation on Twitter and Huffington Post Impact starting Oct. 7 The growth and convergence of people process, data, and things on the Internet – the Internet of Everything — is making networked connections more valuable and relevant than ever before, creating unp…

Cisco Partners Recognized for Promoting Achievement in K-12 Education

This week, 2 of Cisco’s current or former education nonprofit partners were recognized by Business Roundtable for their work to prepare U.S. K-12 students for college and the workplace. MIND Research Institute. MIND’s Spatial Temporal (ST) Math program is a language-free, web-based software p…

Cisco STEM Mentoring Events Aim to Inspire Students

By 2018, it is estimated there will be 1.2 million U.S. job openings in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. While that sounds like good news, there is an acute shortage of qualified applicants to fill these jobs. The students in our schools today simply don’t have the skills and…

Cisco on CNN at the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting

Why does Cisco invest hundreds of millions of dollars around the world each year to help improve access to education, healthcare, critical human needs, and disaster relief?  Cisco CEO and Chairman John Chambers said in a recent CNN interview that “corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a must for…

A Half Million Likes on Facebook: Cisco Networking Academy Uses Social Media to Engage and Educate

This post was written by Hilal Chouman, social media strategist for Cisco Networking Academy Since late 2009, Cisco Networking Academy (NetAcad), one of Cisco’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs, has been present on various social media networks. The earliest presence was on the rising…