Cisco Advanced Malware Protection

June 8, 2015


The Network as a Security Sensor and Enforcer

The Digital Economy and the Internet of Everything means everything is now connected. Digitization is fundamentally transforming how we conduct business. It creates new opportunities to develop services and engage with employees, partners, and customers. It’s important to understand that digitizatio…

April 7, 2015


A New Way Forward: Continuous Threat Protection for Organizations of All Sizes

Organizations are under relentless attack, and security breaches happen every day. A global community of attackers creates advanced malware and launches it via multi-faceted attacks and through multiple attack vectors into organizations of all sizes. These increasingly costly attacks against organiz…

April 1, 2015


Endpoint Visibility to Combat Advanced Attacks – I Want That

Protecting data, maintaining compliance, and enabling the business is a balancing act. Put too many controls in place and you inhibit workflow. Rely exclusively on traditional security tools and you lack the visibility to detect and respond to advanced attacks quickly. The industrialization of hacki…

January 29, 2015


Cisco Email Security Stays Ahead of Current Threats by Adding Stronger Snowshoe Spam Defense, AMP Enhancements, and More …

If you read the recently released Cisco Annual Security Report, you will have learned how spammers have adopted a “Snowshoe” strategy, using a large number of IP addresses with a low message volume per IP address, to send spam, preventing some spam systems from sinking the spam. This yielded a 250 p…

November 12, 2014


Extending control and advanced threat protection for web security

Today the web is a favorite vector for threat actors to launch their attacks. According to the Cisco 2014 Midyear Security Report, More than 90 percent of customer networks observed in the first half of 2014 were identified as having traffic going to websites that host malware. More recently, Talos…

October 29, 2014


The Value of Endpoint and Network Protection Together

As I’ve discussed in past blog posts, advanced malware and sophisticated attacks are relentless as they compromise environments using new and stealthy techniques. Modern malware is dynamic and exists in an interconnected ecosystem that is constantly in motion. It will use an array of attack ve…