January 20, 2015


All Hands on Deck: Announcing the 2015 Cisco Annual Security Report

To help kick off 2015 with new insights in the world of attackers, users, and defenders, we analyzed a significant amount of 2014 security data telemetry from our global customer footprint. We took this data and distilled it into a comprehensive report for you to leverage and are proud to announce t…

January 24, 2014


Cisco 2014 Annual Security Report: Trust Still Has a Fighting Chance

I spent a good deal of time last week supporting the launch of the Cisco 2014 Annual Security Report. I’m one of the Cisco executive sponsors for the report, which means that while I cannot take credit for writing it, I am significantly involved in setting course, providing advice, and reviewi…

January 22, 2014


Cisco 2014 Annual Security Report: Why the Before/During/After Approach to Security Offers Better Protection from Threat …

The number and variety of threats that can infiltrate corporate networks and disable critical infrastructure are sobering. Take a look at our findings and analysis in the new Cisco 2014 Annual Security Report, and you’ll see that malicious actors are innovating just as fast as security profess…

January 21, 2014


Cisco 2014 Annual Security Report: Threat Intelligence Offers View into Network Compromises

Thanks to extensive detection telemetry and analytics, we have a clear view into the attackers and malicious actors that are infiltrating Internet infrastructure and using trusted applications as a foothold for gaining access to networks. As explained in the Cisco 2014 Annual Security Report, online…

January 20, 2014


Cisco 2014 Annual Security Report: Cybercriminals Applying “Old” Techniques in New Ways

We know that as time goes on, the cybercrime network’s operations will only more closely resemble those of any legitimate, sophisticated business network. And like all enterprising businesspeople, those who are part of the “cybercriminal hierarchy”—which is discussed in the Cisco 2014 Annual Securit…