Blade Servers

August 14, 2013


Join Cisco on the Road to Big Data

      Cloudera Sessions is coming to a City Near You! Have you registered for the upcoming Cloudera Sessions roadshow yet?  According to IDC Analysts, the market for Big Data will reach $16.9 billion by 2015, with an outrageous 40% CAGR. As the sheer volume of data continues to climb,…

June 21, 2013


Top Three Reasons Why Cisco UCS is a Better Platform for Big Data

One of the hottest topics in the data center lately is around big data and the actual dollar value that businesses are deriving from making sense from tons of unstructured data.  Virtually every field is turning to gathering big data, with mobile sensor networks, cameras everywhere, and information…

June 10, 2013


What’s Driving Cisco Innovations in the Data Center?

There are a number of trends that are impacting data centers today, many of which will have a profound impact on how businesses consume data center resources.  These can provide a variety of challenges.  Perhaps most obvious, is the fact that people and businesses are more connected than ever with t…

June 4, 2013


Building a Better Data Center with Cisco UCS Solutions, Join us at Red Hat Summit to Hear How

Maybe you’re like me, looking for any excuse to hop on a plane to Boston!  In this case, I happen to have a good one, Red Hat Summit, which kicks off on June 11th.   Cisco is proud to be a Platinum Sponsor for the event and we’re showing up in full force with a larger booth, more d…