AWS re:Invent

December 3, 2019


Automated Cloud Infrastructure: Extending ACI and AWS integration

It’s the time of the year – AWS re:invent 2019 is happening this week. Cisco and AWS customers deploy workloads and applications in both their own data centers and the AWS cloud today and look forward to even better integration to achieve their infrastructure automation goals while maintaining a con…

December 3, 2019


Configuring Cisco Security with Amazon VPC Ingress Routing

Today, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced a new capability in Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networking that is designed to make it easier and more efficient for Cisco Security customers to deploy advanced security controls in the cloud. This new capability is called Amazon VPC Ingress Routing. It all…

November 3, 2014


Cisco at AWS re:Invent

As a Gold Sponsor of AWS re:Invent this year, Cisco will be showcasing hybrid cloud solutions that enable you to combine the control, security, and performance of private clouds with the scale, economics, and speed that public clouds can offer. Cisco cloud portfolio, including Intercloud Fabric, Ap…