
Providing Wi-Fi has always been a land-grab for operators: making sure your service is available in all the locations you can – before your competitors get there first. And service providers have always faced a strong competitive demand to differentiate themselves from others. Here are some ways for operators to do that today:

Easier connections

Cisco now offers solutions that provide smartphone users with much easier connectivity, completely transparently, using EAP-SIM or Passpoint, as well as ANDSF when you want to have users always connected to the best available radio network around them. This makes a big difference in terms of user satisfaction and eventually increases data consumption on all networks.

More precision

There has been another major advance in terms of access points. Now there’s much more granularity of presence and location, so you can target location-based services much more precisely. In fact, some Cisco solutions offer precision right down to as little as one metre.

Taking advantage of this precision and the new data opportunity using Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences, Copenhagen Airport are able to track people flows and improve the overall passenger experience.

Real-time optimization

Because of the greater access to Wi-Fi network data, it’s possible to get a better overview and understand the network better in real-time. That means that the Wi-Fi network can be much more optimized with regard to the spectrum channels being used.

In addition, technologies are now available so that the network is self-optimizing in real time. Which means less network engineering resource and a better experience for the users. With Cisco CleanAir technology, your can even achieve a self-healing wireless network that automatically changes channels when jammed by interference. The system uses silicon-level intelligence to identify over 20 types of interference from sources like microwaves and wireless CCTV cameras. Then it remembers these sources so that administrators know which channels to avoid in future and which to use.

Watch Video interview from Cisco Expert in Wi-Fi here:


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